Reason of Happiness
Reason of Happiness
Created by Gill

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A Fellow in military loses his legs during a War and was paralyzed. After spending some time in the hospital and rehab center, he returns home feeling sad enough to think about ending his vegetative life by committing suicide.
To put his plan into action he starts rolling his wheelchair towards the suicide point near his home. On the way to the suicide point, he observers a tiny vibrant spot vibrating randomly in the garden bushes, which is on the way to the suicide point.
To investigate he approaches the garden and to his wonder he finds that the vibrant spot was the head of a man, who doesn’t have hands, jumping and screaming in the garden.
Amazed by this site the Soldier decides to ask handless fellow about the reason and mystery of his happiness even after loosing both of his hands.
To the soldiers question, the handless fellow gets very angry and kicks the soldier replying “You fool, I am not happy at all. I am screaming and jumping because I cannot scratch my butt for last 2 days since they have started itching!!!”

Contact Information
Contact name - Gill
Type - Story
Content - Clean
Added On - 9-Mar-2002
Joke ID - 63

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