Created by Gill

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A man took his wife to a cattle show. They went to the bull section first. The sign for the first bull read - This bull mated 50 times last year! The wife said, "Honey, you could learn from this bull."

The next sign read - This bull mated 200 times last year!! The wife again said, "You could really learn from this one, Babe!"

The last bulls sign read - This bull mated 365 times last year!!! The wife said, “Honey, WOW! This bull mated once a day! You should really learn from this bull!"

The husband answered, "Why don't you go and ask his owner if it was with the same cow though!"

Contact Information
Contact name - Gill
Type - Story
Content - Clean
Added On - 6-Jul-2002
Joke ID - 94

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