Business: Companies: Agriculture and forestry Web Directory
Agriculture and forestry
A.D Jeyaveerapandia Nadar and Bros [ADJ]
Exporter of agro products.
Agri Watch
Indian agriculture portal, featuring info on crops, news, government schemes, market watch and prices and more.
Agribusiness india
Agribusiness india agricultural commodity prices india
Agri-facts on a platter’ are what you get here, from the latest on rice and wheat, to pulses, sugar, soya and more. Also boasts commodity specific virtual clubs like the Club Rice, Club Soya and more.
Agriculture Information Centre
A comprehensive site on agri-business in India. Includes a database, world market information, horti-tech database, government contacts, a newsletter and trade show calendar.
Amit Biotech
A complete Biotechnological Company based in Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
Andamans Timber Industries Limited
Selected timber from sustainably managed forests
Balrampur Chini Mills Ltd
Premier sugar producing company
Bicco Agro Products Pvt. Ltd.
Offers bio-fertilisers, bio-pesticides and micronutrients.
Castlebar - Agriculture_and_forestry
Agriculture_and_forestry. Agriculture Agriculture - Farm Machinery
Forestry. Main Directory Index. Go to Castlebar.
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